Constant lead qualification and follow-up is crucial before any lead converts into a client. Vtekh develops a workflow engine that logs each activity and disposition your sales agents make throughout the sales course.

Workflow in Vtekh involves the following components:
  1. Statuses - A status characterizes each phase that a lead goes through from new to converted. This demonstrates precisely what has happened beforehand with each lead and suggests the next move that needs to be taken.
  2. Actions - An action (or disposition) signifies each activity that ensues during the time a lead is being controlled by sales reps. This could comprise a call attempt, leaving a message or writing a note/comment.
  3. Reminders - Follow - up reminders can be based manually on where a lead is in the process. Reminders ensure that each lead is controlled thoroughly.
  4. Email - Lead Automation emails can be sent manually or automatically to potential clients based on where a lead is in the process.
Here is an example of a standard process:

Vtekh Inc offers both custom and template based workflow depending on the product. All clients start with a best practices template for your specific industry that can be easily customized.